IRS TIN/Name Matching (IRS TIN Matching) Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
This verification process, for both EIN and SSN numbers, ensures that payers file accurate payee TIN/Name combinations reducing or eliminating yearly IRS TIN/Name discrepancy penalties (B-Notices, CP2100(A)s, 972CGs). The IRS can assess penalties of up to $1,500,000 ($500,000 for small business) for non-compliance. In the event of intentional disregard, there is no limit.
EIN/Name Lookup System (ELS) Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued EINs This lookup process will retrieve the company name that is associated with a given EIN number. This lookup works for Corporations, Sole Proprietors, Partnerships, Trusts, Estates, and Limited Liability Companies. It does not return individual names from Social Security Numbers (SSNs). This lookup is very useful for getting the correct company name that was identified as a mismatch by the IRS TIN Matching process.
Specially Designated Nationals (SDN/PLC) Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) Unlike IRS penalties for TIN/Name discrepancy, payers neglecting to verify the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) lists open themselves up to civil as well as criminal penalties. OFAC non-compliance carries civil penalties of up to $1,000,000 per violation plus criminal fines of up to $10,000,000 and imprisonment ranging from 10 to 30 years.
Foreign Sanctions Evaders List (FSE) Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) OFAC publishes a list of foreign individuals and entities determined to have violated, attempted to violate, conspired to violate, or caused a violation of U.S. sanctions. Transactions by U.S. persons or within the United States involving FSEs are prohibited.
Death Master File (DMF) Social Security Administration (SSA) The DMF is a continually updated list of all known deceased individuals. It is used by the financial industry as well as government agencies to prevent identity fraud. IRS TIN/Name Matching does not discern whether or not a payee is deceased. For some payers, knowing whether they are paying a deceased individual is prudent. Checking payees against the Death Master File gives the payer community the ability identify and prevent fraud.
Denied Persons List (DPL) Department of Commerce (DOC) The DPL is a list created by the U.S. Department of Commerce of individuals and entities that have been denied export privileges. Any dealings with a party on this list that would violate the terms of its denial order is strictly prohibited. Violation can result in a civil penalty amounting to the greater of $250,000 or twice the value of the transaction for each violation. For criminal violations, violators may be fined up to $1,000,000 and/or face up to 20 years of imprisonment.
Excluded Parties List System (EPLS) General Services Administration (GSA) The Excluded Parties List System, which is now part of the System for Awards Management (SAM), includes companies that have been debarred, suspended, excluded, or disqualified from receiving Federal contracts, subcontracts, assistance, and benefits. Government agencies and contractors are required to check this list to validate vendors and/or payees are in good standing with the federal government.
Excluded Individuals and Entities (LEIE) Office of Inspector General (OIG), Health & Human Services (HHS) In the health care industry, anyone who hires an individual, entity, or contractor on the LEIE may be subject to civil monetary penalties (CMP) by the OIG ranging into the millions of dollars. To avoid CMP liability, health care entities need to routinely check the LEIE to ensure that new hires, current employees, or contractors are not on the excluded list.
Designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO) Department of State (DOS) Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) are foreign organizations that are designated by the Secretary of State in accordance with section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA).
Politically Exposed People (PEP) Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) A quarterly updated list compiled by the CIA of Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments.
FBI Wanted Lists (FBI) Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Department of Justice (DOJ) Criminal Enterprises, Cyber Crimes, White Collar Crimes, Violent Crimes, Crime Alerts, Crimes Against Children, Domestic Terrorism, Seeking Information, Seeking Terror Information, Top Ten Fugitives, Most Wanted Terrorists, etc.
Address Validation (AV) United States Postal Service (USPS) Automatically validate a address (if provided) using the USPS Address Validation and Normalization Database to insure the most accurate and up-to-date address information.
Global Intermediary Identification Number (GIIN) Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Automatically validate a Global Intermediary Identification Number (GIIN) against the most up to date IRS information. A GIIN is a 19 digit identification number that is instrumental in the United States' new FATCA legislation. Any Foreign Financial Institution (FFI) will undoubtedly need to validate all GIIN information before reporting the upcoming FATCA Form 8966.
Additional Verifications State Banned Lists Including state and local banned patron lists for casinos and other various lists.
EIN/Name Lookup System (ELS) Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued EINs This lookup process will retrieve the company name that is associated with a given EIN number. This lookup works for Corporations, Sole Proprietors, Partnerships, Trusts, Estates, and Limited Liability Companies. It does not return individual names from Social Security Numbers (SSNs). This lookup is very useful for getting the correct company name that was identified as a mismatch by the IRS TIN Matching process.
Specially Designated Nationals (SDN/PLC) Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) Unlike IRS penalties for TIN/Name discrepancy, payers neglecting to verify the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) lists open themselves up to civil as well as criminal penalties. OFAC non-compliance carries civil penalties of up to $1,000,000 per violation plus criminal fines of up to $10,000,000 and imprisonment ranging from 10 to 30 years.
Foreign Sanctions Evaders List (FSE) Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) OFAC publishes a list of foreign individuals and entities determined to have violated, attempted to violate, conspired to violate, or caused a violation of U.S. sanctions. Transactions by U.S. persons or within the United States involving FSEs are prohibited.
Death Master File (DMF) Social Security Administration (SSA) The DMF is a continually updated list of all known deceased individuals. It is used by the financial industry as well as government agencies to prevent identity fraud. IRS TIN/Name Matching does not discern whether or not a payee is deceased. For some payers, knowing whether they are paying a deceased individual is prudent. Checking payees against the Death Master File gives the payer community the ability identify and prevent fraud.
Denied Persons List (DPL) Department of Commerce (DOC) The DPL is a list created by the U.S. Department of Commerce of individuals and entities that have been denied export privileges. Any dealings with a party on this list that would violate the terms of its denial order is strictly prohibited. Violation can result in a civil penalty amounting to the greater of $250,000 or twice the value of the transaction for each violation. For criminal violations, violators may be fined up to $1,000,000 and/or face up to 20 years of imprisonment.
Excluded Parties List System (EPLS) General Services Administration (GSA) The Excluded Parties List System, which is now part of the System for Awards Management (SAM), includes companies that have been debarred, suspended, excluded, or disqualified from receiving Federal contracts, subcontracts, assistance, and benefits. Government agencies and contractors are required to check this list to validate vendors and/or payees are in good standing with the federal government.
Excluded Individuals and Entities (LEIE) Office of Inspector General (OIG), Health & Human Services (HHS) In the health care industry, anyone who hires an individual, entity, or contractor on the LEIE may be subject to civil monetary penalties (CMP) by the OIG ranging into the millions of dollars. To avoid CMP liability, health care entities need to routinely check the LEIE to ensure that new hires, current employees, or contractors are not on the excluded list.
Designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO) Department of State (DOS) Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) are foreign organizations that are designated by the Secretary of State in accordance with section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA).
Politically Exposed People (PEP) Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) A quarterly updated list compiled by the CIA of Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments.
FBI Wanted Lists (FBI) Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Department of Justice (DOJ) Criminal Enterprises, Cyber Crimes, White Collar Crimes, Violent Crimes, Crime Alerts, Crimes Against Children, Domestic Terrorism, Seeking Information, Seeking Terror Information, Top Ten Fugitives, Most Wanted Terrorists, etc.
Address Validation (AV) United States Postal Service (USPS) Automatically validate a address (if provided) using the USPS Address Validation and Normalization Database to insure the most accurate and up-to-date address information.
Global Intermediary Identification Number (GIIN) Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Automatically validate a Global Intermediary Identification Number (GIIN) against the most up to date IRS information. A GIIN is a 19 digit identification number that is instrumental in the United States' new FATCA legislation. Any Foreign Financial Institution (FFI) will undoubtedly need to validate all GIIN information before reporting the upcoming FATCA Form 8966.
Additional Verifications State Banned Lists Including state and local banned patron lists for casinos and other various lists.