How much does TINCheck cost?
TINCheck offers monthly plans for as little as $19.95 per month. You can see our most popular plans here.
How current are the TINCheck results?
TINCheck operates in real-time with source systems, so you can always expect to have the most up-to-date results.
Does TINCheck provide bulk file TIN/Name matching?
Yes, TINCheck offers bulk TIN/Name validation on files. More information click here.
Can these checks be linked directly into my AP system?
Yes, TINCheck offers all of our validations as Web Services that allow you to build the routines directly into your current AP systems. Developers can get more information click here.
How do you perform IRS TIN matching?
In order to use our service to perform IRS TIN matching, we will ask you to declare us as one of your 'Authorized Agents' to perform this function on your behalf.
Are you part of the IRS or other government agency?
No, although we counsel with former director-level IRS employees to ensure compliance, we are a private company that specializes in accounts payable payee processing and due diligence.
How does TINCheck secure my data?
TINCheck relies on multiple layers of security to ensures all data is processed securely. All internet traffic to and from TINCheck is secured using 128bit TLS/SSL encryption. The same security used by financial intuitions to secure online banking transactions. TINCheck servers are located in a state-of-the-art, fully redundant, 24x7 on-site secured and monitored datacenters used by Fortune 500 companies and government organizations. Our datacenters are Service Organization Controls 1 (SOC 1) certified, under both the SSAE 16 and the ISAE 3402 professional standards. In addition, our datacenters are ISO 27001 certified and have been successfully validated as a Level-1 service provider under the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard (DSS). For additional security, TIN's are temporally stored 256-bit AES encrypted in order detect and prevent system fraud. TINCheck also supports using two-factor authentication for user login. Please contact support for more information.
How do I add additional security to my TINCheck account using two-factor authentication?
For information on how to setup two-factor authentication visit here.
Are you affiliated with any other companies?
Yes, TINCheck is affiliated with 1099 Pro, Inc. the makers of award winning information reporting software and solutions. If you are looking for 1098, 1099, 1042-S, W-2, 1094/5, or 8966 software please visit for details.
How can I get more information?
Contact us.
TINCheck offers monthly plans for as little as $19.95 per month. You can see our most popular plans here.
How current are the TINCheck results?
TINCheck operates in real-time with source systems, so you can always expect to have the most up-to-date results.
Does TINCheck provide bulk file TIN/Name matching?
Yes, TINCheck offers bulk TIN/Name validation on files. More information click here.
Can these checks be linked directly into my AP system?
Yes, TINCheck offers all of our validations as Web Services that allow you to build the routines directly into your current AP systems. Developers can get more information click here.
How do you perform IRS TIN matching?
In order to use our service to perform IRS TIN matching, we will ask you to declare us as one of your 'Authorized Agents' to perform this function on your behalf.
Are you part of the IRS or other government agency?
No, although we counsel with former director-level IRS employees to ensure compliance, we are a private company that specializes in accounts payable payee processing and due diligence.
How does TINCheck secure my data?
TINCheck relies on multiple layers of security to ensures all data is processed securely. All internet traffic to and from TINCheck is secured using 128bit TLS/SSL encryption. The same security used by financial intuitions to secure online banking transactions. TINCheck servers are located in a state-of-the-art, fully redundant, 24x7 on-site secured and monitored datacenters used by Fortune 500 companies and government organizations. Our datacenters are Service Organization Controls 1 (SOC 1) certified, under both the SSAE 16 and the ISAE 3402 professional standards. In addition, our datacenters are ISO 27001 certified and have been successfully validated as a Level-1 service provider under the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard (DSS). For additional security, TIN's are temporally stored 256-bit AES encrypted in order detect and prevent system fraud. TINCheck also supports using two-factor authentication for user login. Please contact support for more information.
How do I add additional security to my TINCheck account using two-factor authentication?
For information on how to setup two-factor authentication visit here.
Are you affiliated with any other companies?
Yes, TINCheck is affiliated with 1099 Pro, Inc. the makers of award winning information reporting software and solutions. If you are looking for 1098, 1099, 1042-S, W-2, 1094/5, or 8966 software please visit for details.
How can I get more information?
Contact us.